How often have you wanted to remove that shower insert and replace it with something nicer? Prefabricated shower inserts (AKA acrylic showers or fiberglass showers) can offer a quick remodel or build. They are generally more budget-friendly than a traditional tile shower. They come in various sizes and shapes. These are positives that you may appreciate when installing a shower. However, there are several downsides as well.
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Which Drywall Anchors to Use?
There is nothing worse than trying to hand something on a wall only to have it fall, or worse, tear a huge hole in the wall.
Drywall (aka sheetrock) is not made to support the weight of wall art or other necessary wall hangings. This is why using the correct drywall anchors is so important.

Paint Color of the Year
Each year, those in the know offer their predictions for color trends and what is to come. Sometimes those predictions turn out to be accurate. Sometimes… not so much. This year the colors have been predicted, and you may be surprised at where we are heading.

Under-the-Sink Storage and Organization Tips
Organizing under your sink not only makes things easier to find but also can increase storage space in kitchens and/or bathrooms. But what about that bulky drain line that is in the way? Not a problem. There are solutions for every under-the-sink design.

18 DIYs for a Designer Kitchen
Everyone wants to have a fabulous kitchen. However, most of us either don’t have the time or the budget to embark on a complete makeover – regardless of how much we would love to do one. So, what can be done to update or improve upon a kitchen that isn’t going anywhere for a while.

Microwave Location Options
One of the most difficult decisions many faces when building or designing a kitchen is deciding where to put the microwave. Which type of microwave is best? And where exactly is the best location?

DIY Pastry Board and Stove Cover
I have been wanting a large pastry board for a while now, and I finally got around to building one. It turned out GORGEOUS! I made mine out of walnut to get those deep beautiful tones. It is double-sided, which means I can flip it over and use the other side as a cutting board.

7 Ways to Flatten Wood
Every woodworker needs to have a way to flatten wood. If you think this requires you to own an expensive piece of equipment, you would be wrong. There are several options available for every budget. Each has its limits, but each can be used to create a nice flat surface to any wood plank or board.

5 Ways to Get Rid of Algae On Outdoor Surfaces
The only thing required for green algae, mold, and mildew to grow on your outdoor surfaces are moisture, shade, and a food source. The most common areas are along the northern side of homes, under trees, and in other shaded areas where drainage is slow. But we have 5 easy ways to get rid of algae, mold, and mildew on your outdoor surfaces.

Kreg Pocket Hole Jig
I want to introduce you to one of my favorite workshop tools – the Kreg pocket hole jig. If you don’t own at least one pocket hole jig, you really ought to consider getting one. There is a jig for every price point and/or frequency of use.
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How To Cut Any Angle With a Miter Saw
Have you ever wondered how people get all those elaborate angles in their woodwork? I use to only use them when I was doing an inlay in wood flooring. Then, I started building decor pieces for my home, and I ventured fully into the territory of mitered angles that go beyond the standard 45º cut. With furniture and cabinetry, it is all about creating curves and box shapes. But when you want to get creative with something, you may find that you need some weird angle – like a 50º, 60º, or 70º miter. It can present a conundrum. So, I thought that I would show you how to cut any angle with a miter saw.

DIY Knife and Cutting Board Drawer
Knife storage is a must for every kitchen, but how to do so is also very subjective. Some people love to use a countertop knife block. Some people like to mount them on a magnet strip. I am one of those people who like to have a knife organizer that is hidden away inside a drawer or a pullout. This is why I decided to build a knife organizer pullout combined with a cutting board storage space.

Why Your Washing Machine Smells!
Back when the front load washers were just first coming out on the market, I was so thrilled to be getting a new set. I had dreamed of the day when I no longer needed to make a trip to the laundry mat or to use the cleaners for my larger items. Then, the day came and I gladly handed over the cash for my two new beauties. Little did I know, at the time, that I was about to embark upon one of the most challenging household problems that I had yet to encounter – the dreaded front loader stink!

How to Upgrade Toilet Flush Levers
Sometimes, it’s the really small touches that make the difference in a home’s decor. This is very apparent to me when I walk into a bathroom and admire the lovely toilet flush levers that some bathrooms have. Yes, you may think it is a sad day when someone is admiring toilet levers, but then again, I am a stickler for the details. Of course, I never notice the plain levers. For some reason, my eyes just never settle on them unless they are nice. However, when I do notice them, it really solidifies that impression of quality and high-end finishes. So, if you have ever wondered how to upgrade toilet flush levers, this is for you.

When to Not Use Pocket Hole Screws
Have I mentioned lately that woodworkers are some of the most opinionated and set-in-their-way people who you will ever have the good fortune to meet? If you are a professional woodworker, then yeah, I am probably talking about you. If you are a beginner, be warned! We are going to discuss when to NOT use pocket hole screws!
Seasonal Favorites

Pros and Cons of Decorating With Putka Pods
Right now, Putka pods are one of the trendiest pieces of decor for the Fall season, and they will probably remain so for years to come. If you are asking yourself, ‘what exactly is a Putka pod?” Well, they are those adorable things that look like miniature pumpkins. You have probably seen them mixed in with your potpourri. They are cute and well-loved by most. However, there are some important details that you need to know before you start using them in your crafts and decor. So without further ado, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of decorating with Putka Pods.

Horror Houses You Would Love to Live In
Since it is getting so close to Halloween, I thought that I would keep in the spirit of the holiday and go searching for some horror houses that are not so horrible. In fact, these horror houses are quite beautiful once the illusion from production has been removed.

2018 Southern Home Christmas Tour
This year is the first year that I am posting a tour of my home for Christmas. In the past, I have avoided getting into this because it is such an exhausting time for bloggers, and probably for you, as well. But, I drug all of the camera and video equipment out of the studio and transported it all around my house to capture the big event! So, I hope you enjoy my 2018 Southern Home Christmas Tour! Welcome to my home!