There are many variations of how exactly to make up a batch of powder laundry detergent. Most utilize the same basic ingredients, but with varying suggestions on the amount. These are my tried and true recipes which I find are far superior to store-bought in both the level of cleanliness and in helping to keep my machine free from build-up.
Cleaning Tips To Prevent the Spread of Flu in Your Home
You are probably well aware that cleaning your hands is the first and best defense against contracting the coronavirus or the flu. But what, if anything, can you do to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and/or flu germs around your house?
Why Dryer Causes Clothes to Smell Bad
What is up with my crazy a$$ laundry? Why are my clothes coming out of the dryer with a bad smell??? If you have this problem you are not alone. I went through the same thing last year. You won’t believe what was causing my problem and how easy it was to eliminate clothes dryer odors!
How to Repair Water Rings and Heat Marks
Water rings and heat marks can destroy the looks of an otherwise beautiful piece of furniture. But, if you have developed a water ring on your wooden table, nightstand, or similar furniture piece, don’t chuck it out just yet. There are a few things that you can do to repair those unsightly water rings and heat marks.
Make Grout and Tile Look Like New
Over the years of renovating homes, I have come across a lot of iffy looking tile floors. Extremely dirty tile grout is generally the cause for making tiles appear past their life. But due to my obsession with having clean floors, I eventually found the solution to revive tile floors and make grout and tile look like new again.