Cleaning Supplies’ Storage ….. Broom Closets
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(Contemporary Kitchen by New York Cabinets & Cabinetry LEICHT New York / LEICHT Westchester)
A broom closet is the best way to go, if you can afford to dedicate a little space for this type of storage. When using a canister vacuum, a vacuum hose hanger can come in handy. It keeps the hose out of the way and makes it possible to utilize the space more efficiently.

(Traditional Kitchen by Durham Kitchen & Bath Designers emma delon)
If you have an extra closet that can be dedicated to cleaning supplies that is a great idea, as well. Consider adding shelves to isolate the vacuum and to provide plenty of storage for other supplies.

Even a recessed space can be turned into a solution for cleaning supplies’ storage.

(Traditional Kitchen by New York Closet Designers and Professional Organizers Andrea Gary/Queen of Kerfuffle™)
If you do not have an extra closet, consider purchasing a storage container to create storage. If you add crown molding and base trim, even a plain white cabinet can be turned into an attractive addition to the decor.

(Traditional Laundry Room by Brentwood Kitchen & Bath Designers Precision Cabinets)
Don’t forget about that space that you can’t see – the space that is located behind the sheetrock and between the studs. All it takes for a broom closet is the 4″ of space hidden in your walls. A recessed cabinet space is perfect for creating your own storage for cleaning supplies.

(Kitchen by Jasper Cabinets & Cabinetry MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc.)
Another good place to hide away the brooms is at the end of the refrigerator. Most layouts have enough room to add an additional narrow cabinet. (Some great mop and broom hangers can be found here at Amazon).

(Traditional Spaces by Menomonee Falls General Contractors Carmel Builders)
Again, the walls can provide a lot of under utilized space. Instead of a cabinet recessed into the stud space, you may have the option to create something like the above image – a pull out tucked into the wall between the hallway and the kitchen.

(Contemporary Spaces by Milwaukee Closet Designers and Professional Organizers storeWALL)
Also consider using slat wall systems to provide vertical storage. To see a good alternative to the expensive slat walls, check out the slat wall system that I built in my craft room (for just $8).

(Traditional Laundry Room by Sierra Vista General Contractors R & R Express LLC)
Don’t forget about those doors. You can always add a storage compartment to the interior of a utility closet’s doors.
Cleaning Supplies’ Storage…Drawers

(Contemporary Spaces by Howard Lake Cabinets & Cabinetry Dura Supreme Cabinetry)
The most common area for storing cleaning supplies is beneath a cabinet. The problem with that is that it can become very cluttered and difficult to use. To make it easier, add a pull out basket. (A similar basket like this can also be found here at Amazon).

(Traditional Laundry Room by Cleveland Design-Build Firms Hurst Design Build Remodeling)
If you need a lot of drawer space, consider converting a closet into a full length set of pullouts.

(Traditional Kitchen by Rockford Kitchen & Bath Designers Midwest Stone Source & Custom Cabinetry | Rockford)
Converting those cabinet doors into a pullout can work just as well for a storage compartment as it can for a trash bin.

(Contemporary Spaces by Howard Lake Cabinets & Cabinetry Dura Supreme Cabinetry)
A really easy way to make access beneath a sink easier is to add storage to the inside of the doors. These are fairly easy to make if you have any construction skills, but if not these can also be purchased. (Buy it here).
Final Thoughts…
I will be demonstrating how to DIY some of these storage solutions in the near future. If you haven’t yet signed up for my email newsletter, make sure that you do that today and be notified when these projects are posted. In the mean time, feel free to share this article via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. :-)
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